Hi, I am “mostly” following the doc to try to install vault on RHEL. Day 1: Deploying Your First Vault Cluster with Integrated Storage | Vault - HashiCorp Learn
I say “mostly” only because I am installing vault using the hashicorp repo, so some steps are done already(like creating the vault user and group)
Anyway, when I try to start the service as the user “vault”, I always get the message “Error initializing storage of type raft: failed to create fsm: failed to open bolt file: open /data/vault/raft/vault.db: permission denied”
The permission on that folder are: drw-rw-rw-. 2 664 vault 6 Mar 12 09:09 raft
Starting the service as root works, but of course it’s not what we want.
As a test I even granted 777 to all folders under /data recursively, and even that doesn’t work. still access denied when trying to run vault as the “vault” user
vault version is 1.6.3
Any help?