Recently I tried to upgrade the Vault version in our product from 1.9.10 to 1.11.3 but the server fails to start with the following error:
error building CRLs: unable to build CRL for issuer (0abce9c1-0e21-bf87-3ca1-f6ec24e367f0): error creating new CRL: x509: issuer certificate doesn't contain a subject key identifier"
So far, the certificate, that is used to setup TLS in Vault, was unfortunately generated without a Subject Key Identifier. Nevertheless, all upgrades up until 1.9.x were working fine.
After the last upgrade from 1.9.10 to 1.11.3 this doesn’t work anymore and I finally overcame the issue by re-creating the certificate using the SKI extension.
Given that this breaks our product’s in-service upgrade (because there is a time window where some containers (Vault clients or Vault servers) still use the old certificate whereas others use the new one), is there a way to bypass this issue other than implementing a solution which includes the re-creation of the certificate with a SKI?
Thank you,