Vault snapshots

Hello everyone, I would love to understand what and what gets backed up into vault snapshots

And also after restoring backup, how do I override the mounted TLS certs for both agent injector and the vault pods.


All of the data contained within the Vault - everything that Vault itself has written to disk.

That’s unrelated. Certificate configuration is part of the deployment and nothing to do with the backup/snapshot.

thanks, so the extraconfig-from-values.hcl configmap file also gets backed up but the mounted tls certs doesnt get backed up?

so how can i get both vault and vault-injector to update my mounted tls when i update the tls secrets

No, it does not. It is also part of the deployment and nothing to do with the backup/snapshot.

I don’t really understand what you’re asking, there’s not enough detail here, and it’s totally unrelated to backup/snapshot so far as I can see - yet you’re asking it under that title, so I wonder if there’s an even bigger miscommunication happening.