Vault URL is sealed

Vault is sealed and tried to unseal it but no success using CLI with key 1 & Key2.

  • ran the Unseal procedure successfully receiving the output:
    Sealed false
  • after running the Unseal procedure, checking the status of the Vault using below command we were able to see that the Vault was still Sealed:
    vault status -tls-skip-verify
  • in particular the output we got was the following even after running the Unseal procedure:
    Sealed true
  • and we were not able to enter the Token when opening the Vault URL;

Please take a moment to consider: Have you provided enough information that someone else could reasonably offer assistance?

You have not. Really all you’ve told us is “It doesn’t work.”

Following my previous response you’ve given a little more detail - not that much however, so all I can really suggest is that you check the Vault server logs.

Please expect to need to post detail including full actual commands run, their output, and relevant portions of the server logs, to enable people to help understand a complex problem remotely.

We have performed below steps to unseal the Vault.

please consider that as already reported the actual content of the unsealkey files should be specified instead of unsealkey1_content and unsealkey2_content in the following commands :

vault operator unseal -tls-skip-verify unsealkey1_content

Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 3
Threshold 2
Unseal Progress 0/2
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.7.3

vault operator unseal -tls-skip-verify unsealkey2_content
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 3
Threshold 2
Version 1.7.3

As reported, after running the provided commands, the Vault is Unsealed:
Sealed false

After that ran the command “vault status” to confirm the status and it’s showing again vault is sealed.
Vault URL is not working and showing the same error message"Unseal".

As you’ve not provided information from the Vault server logs, there is nothing more I am able to say.

Logs from vault server(C:\Program Files\Vault\logs), there is no logs for today’s date


Thanks Maxb , Please check the given logs and let me know if any more information is required to fix this issue.