We’re using the KMaaS Vault web interface (default I guess?). My first impression: it seems to be quite limited for users.
Question: How can I search for a key name recursively in all sub-paths?
If simply not possible: Are you planning to enable users to do so?
If this sounds like a feature request: Where to address that?
Example: I have 2 different paths below my “root” path (path1 and path2) and a sub-path below path3, each containing a key with the same name “foo” as follows:
Minimum expectation: I have a search bar. When I search for “foo” I want to receive the list of paths containing this key as follows (same for parts of the key name like “fo” or “oo” and case insensitive):
^^ Each path is a link that I can click in order to access my secrets stored in key name “foo”.
Even better: Next to each result (the path I can click) I see shortcuts to the the copy button (copies the secret to my clipboard) and eye button (views the secret’s value). This would not require the user to click the path and find the row containing the key. Instead, the user could instantly copy/view the secret from the search result.
Many thanks.