VMware ISO adding two Network Card

I am trying to create an OVA file from ISO. I am using VMware ESXI as hypervisor. I succeded at that. However i want to use 2 network cards for VMware ESXI. I am sharing my variables.json file:

“esxi_host” : “xxxxxxx”,
“esxi_username” : “root”,
“esxi_password” : “xxxxxxxx”,
“esxi_datastore” : “datastore1”,
“esxi_network_name” : “EXT0”,
“esxi_network_type” : “vmxnet3”,

"iso_url" : "/Packer/xxxxxxxx",
"iso_sha1" : "sha1:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

"vm_name" : "rhel8-ova",
"ssh_username": "myuser",
"ssh_password": "xxxxxx",
"os_type" : "rhel8-64",
"build_ip" : "x.x.x.x",
"build_netmask" : "x.x.x.x",
"build_gateway" : "x.x.x.x",
"build_vlan" : "108",
"build_cpu" : "4",
"build_memory" : "8192",
"build_disk_size" : "150000"


How can i add a secondary network card here?

I tried these:
“network_adapters”: [
“network”: “VM Network”,
“network_card”: “vmxnet3”
“network”: “OtherNetwork”,
“network_card”: “vmxnet3”
But i got json error:
json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type string