VPC and VPC endpoints

I’m trying to do the following:

const allAvailabilityZones = new DataAwsAvailabilityZones(

    this.vpc = new Vpc(this, "vpc", {
      name: `${id}-vpc`,
      cidr: "",
      azs: allAvailabilityZones,
      privateSubnets: ["", "", ""],
      publicSubnets: ["", "", ""],
      enableNatGateway: true,
      singleNatGateway: true,
      enableDnsHostnames: true,
      tags: {
        [`kubernetes.io/cluster/${settings.clusterName}`]: "shared",
      publicSubnetTags: {
        [`kubernetes.io/cluster/${settings.clusterName}`]: "shared",
        "kubernetes.io/role/elb": "1",
      privateSubnetTags: {
        [`kubernetes.io/cluster/${settings.clusterName}`]: "shared",
        "kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb": "1",

    new VpcEndpoints(this, "vpc-endpoints", {
      vpcId: this.vpc.vpcIdOutput,
      endpoints: {
        s3: {
          service: "s3",
          service_type: "Gateway",
          route_table_ids: [
      dependsOn: [this.vpc]

I’m getting the following error:

 Error: Incorrect attribute value type
                       │   on .terraform/modules/vpc-endpoints/modules/vpc-endpoints/main.tf line 33, in resource "aws_vpc_endpoint" "this":
                       │   33:   route_table_ids     = try(each.value.service_type, "Interface") == "Gateway" ? lookup(each.value, "route_table_ids", null) : null
                       │     ├────────────────
                       │     │ each.value is object with 3 attributes
                       │     │ each.value.service_type is "Gateway"
                       │ Inappropriate value for attribute "route_table_ids": element 0: string
                       │ required.

I just want the endpoints associated the public and private route table ids. I’ve tried various forms following AI suggestions and I can’t get this to work. Any suggestions?

It works if I do this:

route_table_ids: this.vpc.privateRouteTableIdsOutput,

Figured it out, had to do:

route_table_ids: Fn.flatten([this.vpc.privateRouteTableIdsOutput, this.vpc.publicRouteTableIdsOutput]),