What is best practice to maintain aws security group rules?

I was trying to create aws rules by defining a data structure for my desired security groups, and also a data structure for my rules.

locals {
security_groups = {
sg1 = [ “sg_name”, “sg_description” ]
sg2 = [ “sg_name2”, “sg_description” ]

security_groups_rules = [
{ type = “ingress”, from_port = 10, to_port = 10, protocol = “TCP”,
cidr_blocks = [“”], description = “rule description”,
sg_name = local.security_groups.sg1[0], sg_id = null },

… more rules

resource “aws_security_group” “sg” {
for_each = local.security_groups
name = each.value[0]
description = each.value[1]
vpc_id = var.vpc_id

locals {
sg_name_to_id = { for sg in aws_security_group.sg : sg.name => sg.id }

resource “aws_security_group_rule” “rule” {
count = length(local.security_groups_rules)
type = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “type”)
from_port. = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “from_port”)
to_port = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “to_port”)
protocol = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “protocol”)
cidr_blocks. = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “cidr_blocks”)
description = lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “description”)
security_group_id = lookup(local.sg_name_to_id,
lookup(local.security_groups_rules[count.index], “sg_name”))

in this example if I add more security groups, all my current rules need to be recreated.
in this example if i add a rule in between rules all, the rules beneath it will need to be recreated.

  1. is it happening because with the changes described, the local.sg_name_to_id need to be recomputed and thus aws_security_group_rule.rule need to re-evaluate resulting in re-creation of the rules?
  2. my goal is to have my rules well organised and maintained from terraform, and to have the ability to make changes without requiring recreation with every change
  3. are there any best practices on a way to do that?
