Where is the "Ansible wrapper guide" which is mentioned in the ansible-local docs?

I’m reading Ansible Provisioner | Integrations | Packer | HashiCorp Developer, which has this description of one of the parameters:

  • command (string) - The command to invoke ansible. Defaults to ansible-playbook. If you would like to provide a more complex command, for example, something that sets up a virtual environment before calling ansible, take a look at the ansible wrapper guide below for inspiration. Please note that Packer expects Command to be a path to an executable. Arbitrary bash scripting will not work and needs to go inside an executable script.

However as far as I can see, that’s the only mention of a wrapper guide. Does it still exist somewhere?

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Hi @stianlagstad I was also checking the docs and realized the same thing, I was thinking that maybe the best way to get info about this should be creating a new issue on github but I’m not pretty sure how would be the best.

Started learning Packer and ran into the same problem.
After “wasting” time looking for that “ansible wrapper guide” I found this topic.
So thank you @stianlagstad for starting it. Now I know at least, I shouldn’t spend any more time on searching for the guide.

I think it is here: packer-plugin-ansible/docs/provisioners/ansible.mdx at main · hashicorp/packer-plugin-ansible · GitHub

but A link should be added