Wrong configuration instructions

  1. Azure Network security group ID doesn’t update the snippet (in Safari)

  2. The Consult snippets are invalid:

The protocol is missing from the command and hence the error message. You should be able to fix this by specifying the protocol in the command with the --protocol option and providing a valid protocol value (e.g. Tcp).

For example, this will create an inbound rule that allows incoming TCP traffic:

az network nsg rule create \
    --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \
    --nsg-name "$SECURITY_GROUP_ID" \
    --name ConsulServerInbound \
    --priority 400 \
    --source-address-prefixes "$HVN_CIDR" \
    --destination-address-prefixes VirtualNetwork \
    --destination-port-ranges 8301 \
    --direction Inbound \
    --access Allow \
    --protocol Tcp

You will have to make similar changes for the other rules.

The outbound rules also have a problem, where “ConsulClientOutbound” and “ConsulServerOutboundGRPC” has the same priority 401 and direction Outbound , that’s why it is giving a conflict error message.

(SecurityRuleConflict) Security rule ConsulClientOutbound conflicts with rule ConsulServerOutboundGRPC. Rules cannot have the same Priority and Direction. To learn more, see aka.ms/nsgrules.
Code: SecurityRuleConflict
Message: Security rule ConsulClientOutbound conflicts with rule ConsulServerOutboundGRPC. Rules cannot have the same Priority and Direction. To learn more, see aka.ms/nsgrules.

The priorities of the other rules also need to be adjusted to avoid conflicts.