Acceptance test always returns pass regardless of value

I’m having trouble figuring out what’s going wrong here because no matter what I put in the test values it passes:

package redfish

import (

// redfish.Power represents a concrete Go type that represents an API resource
func TestAccRedfishPower_basic(t *testing.T) {

	resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
		Providers:    testAccProviders,
		Steps: []resource.TestStep{
				Config: testAccRedfishResourcePowerConfig("root",
				Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
					resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("nonsense", "complete_nonsense", "supernonsense"),

func testAccRedfishResourcePowerConfig(providerUsername string,
									   providerPassword string,
									   serverUsername string,
									   serverPassword string,
									   serverEndpoint string,
									   desiredPowerAction string,
									   maximumWaitTime int,
									   checkInterval int) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(`
		terraform {
		  required_providers {
			redfish = {
			  source = "grantcurell/redfish"
		// For servers without a uniquely defined username/password these values will be used
		provider "redfish" {
		  user = "%s"
		  password = "%s"
		resource "redfish_power" "system_power" {
		  redfish_server {
			user = "%s"
			password = "%s"
			endpoint = "https://%s"
			ssl_insecure = true
		desired_power_action = "%s"
		maximum_wait_time = %d
		check_interval = %d
		output "current_power_state" {
		value = redfish_power.system_power
		providerUsername, providerPassword, serverUsername,
		serverPassword, serverEndpoint, desiredPowerAction,
		maximumWaitTime, checkInterval,

I only have this one test and when I run it I get:

go test
ok 0.136s

The provider test is:

package redfish

import ""

var testAccProviders map[string]*schema.Provider
var testAccProvider *schema.Provider

func init() {
	testAccProvider = Provider()
	testAccProviders = map[string]*schema.Provider{
		"redfish": testAccProvider,

Is there something obvious I’m missing?