Testing the property's value of a list item in an acceptance test

Hi guys,

I would like to know if it’s possible to test the property’s value of a list item in an acceptance test. In the following example I want to verify that the networks list has been correctly modified. Thanks for your help.

	const testAccInstanceConfig = `
	resource "foo" "bar" {
		name = "foobar"
		networks = [
			{code = "123", order = 1}

const testAccCheckInstanceConfigTagsUpdate = `
	resource "foo" "bar" {
		name = "foobar"
		networks = [
			{code = "456", order = 1}

resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
	Steps: []resource.TestStep{
			Config: testAccInstanceConfig,
			Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
				testAccCheckInstanceExists("foo.bar", &v),
				resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("foo.bar", "networks[0].code", "123"),
			Config: testAccCheckInstanceConfigTagsUpdate,
			Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
				testAccCheckInstanceExists("foo.bar", &v),
				resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("foo.bar", "networks[0].code", "456"),

Try networks.0.code