I’m trying to create a number of aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment
s using a for_each
loop and I’d like to use a data call to aws_identitystore_groups
and then retrieve the required group_id
based on another value display_name
I’ve tried a few variations on the below, using index
, but can’t seem to access the value. Is there a way to do this in Terraform?
resource "aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment" "assignment_stg_engineer" {
for_each = var.domains
instance_arn = tolist(data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.current.arns)[0]
permission_set_arn = aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.set_gen_engineer[each.key].arn
principal_id = data.aws_identitystore_groups.all.groups[index(data.aws_identitystore_groups.groups.*.display_name, each.key)].group_id
principal_type = "GROUP"
target_id = var.accounts["stg"]
target_type = "AWS_ACCOUNT"
Do you can share with us the error on process this code?
This object does not have an attribute named "display_name".
If I check the object returned using an output, I can see that it does exist, so I’m assuming I’m either trying to access it incorrectly or it just can’t be accessed in this way.
Changes to Outputs:
+ groups = [
+ {
+ description = null
+ display_name = "test"
+ external_ids = null
+ group_id = "xxx"
+ identity_store_id = "xxx"
+ {
+ description = null
+ display_name = "test2"
+ external_ids = null
+ group_id = "xxx"
+ identity_store_id = "xxx"
So what can I say, ChatGPT to the rescue. The final code required for the principal_id
lookup was:
principal_id = lookup(
{for g in data.aws_identitystore_groups.groups.groups : g.display_name => g.group_id},
each.key, null # Replace with a fallback or handle the case where the group is not found
Yeah, it’s because you don’t have object to access the property, you have a array of objects.
you can use for expressions to solve.
This litte change in your expression.
{for g in data.aws_identitystore_groups.groups.groups: g.display_name => g.group_id if g.group_id != null }
you can attribute this expression a local
element and use this output in for_each meta
Beautiful, thanks for that
it makes sense that I’d need to loop through the array.
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