Add extraConfig value to VMX file


I am settings up some templates for our vSphere and would like to add the following to the VMX file:

SMBIOS.addHostVendor = TRUE
SMBIOS.reflectHost = TRUE

I added it to my JSON builder:

“configuration_parameters”: {
“extraConfig” : [
“SMBIOS.addHostVendor”: true,
“SMBIOS.noOEMStrings”: true,
"SMBIOS.reflectHost ": true

however it seems like the parameters are not recognized:

Original error: Error parsing JSON: invalid character ‘:’ after array element
At line 44, column 28 (offset 1522):
43: “extraConfig” : [
44: “SMBIOS.addHostVendor”:

if I test another formatting:

“configuration_parameters”: {
“extraConfig” : [ {
“SMBIOS.addHostVendor”: true,
“SMBIOS.noOEMStrings”: true,
"SMBIOS.reflectHost ": true

I get

1 error(s) decoding:

  • ‘configuration_parameters[<interface {} Value>]’ expected type ‘string’, got
    unconvertible type ‘interface {}’, value: ‘[map[SMBIOS.addHostVendor:true
    SMBIOS.noOEMStrings:true SMBIOS.reflectHost :true]]’

I did switch the values to strings:

  "configuration_parameters": {
	"extraConfig" : [ {
	  "SMBIOS.addHostVendor": "TRUE",
      "SMBIOS.noOEMStrings": "TRUE",
      "SMBIOS.reflectHost ": "TRUE"

but I get the same:
1 error(s) decoding:

  • ‘configuration_parameters[<interface {} Value>]’ expected type ‘string’, got
    unconvertible type ‘interface {}’, value: ‘[map[SMBIOS.addHostVendor:TRUE
    SMBIOS.noOEMStrings:TRUE SMBIOS.reflectHost :TRUE]]’

I found the solution:
here is the correct format:

	"configuration_parameters": {
			"SMBIOS.addHostVendor": "TRUE",
			"SMBIOS.noOEMStrings": "TRUE",
			"SMBIOS.reflectHost": "TRUE"