I am using Terraform version 1.8.0 and creating resources in AWS. My parent module calls modules to create an application load balancer a network load balancer and the target groups. I am trying to attach the application load balancer as a target for the target group that is used by the network load balancer. The problem I am running into is that the application load balancer is not in an available state when the target group is tries to attach it as a target.
I need help to figure out how to delay the creation of the aws_lb_target_group_attachment resource until the application load balancer is in an available state. Is there a way to do this?
This is the module call from the parent module that creates the target group. I create the application load balancer in a separate module and pass the ARN of the application load balancer to this module.
module "nlb_target_group_443" {
source = "app.terraform.io/mkd019-tfc-setup/elb-target-group/aws"
version = "0.0.2"
health_check = var.nlb_tg_443.health_check
load_balancing_algorithm_type = var.nlb_tg_443.lb_algorithm_type
target_group_name = var.nlb_tg_443.target_group_name
target_group_port = var.nlb_tg_443.port
target_group_protocol = var.nlb_tg_443.protocol
attach_target = true
target_id = module.application_load_balancer.lb_arn
target_type = var.nlb_tg_443.target_type
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
This is the attachment block from the module that creates the target group. I have the target_id set as the ARN of the application load balancer.
resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "this" {
count = var.attach_target == true ? 1 : 0
target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.this.arn
target_id = var.target_id
port = var.target_group_port
When I apply the plan I get the following error:
The ALB does have a listener configured that matches the target group port. I believe I receive this error because the ALB is not available yet. When I re-apply this configuration after the application load balancer becomes available and I do not receive an error.