In my setup I need to have an AWS NLB which forwards traffic to an ALB. I can create both load balancers, their associated listeners, and target groups, but I’m struggling to find where I define the actual target within the target group. In the regular AWS CDK I can see where they define the target and call it out in the target group, but I’m not seeing one in the CDK for TF.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the code I am using.
class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, name: string) {
super(scope, name);
// ********** Load Balancers ******** //
const NLB = new elb.Alb(this, 'NLB', {
name: 'NLB',
internal: true,
loadBalancerType: 'network',
subnets: ['SubnetID']
const ALB = new elb.Alb(this, 'ALB', {
name: 'ALB',
loadBalancerType: 'application',
internal: true,
subnets: ['SubnetID', 'SubnetID2']
// ************* Target Groups ************* //
const targetNLBtoALB = new elb.LbTargetGroup(this, 'TGNLB-to-ALB',{
name: 'TGNLB-to-ALB',
targetType: 'alb',
port: 80,
protocol: 'TCP',
vpcId: 'VPC_ID'
const targetALBtoServer = new elb.LbTargetGroup(this, 'TGALB-toServer', {
name: 'TGALB-toServer',
port: 80,
protocol: 'HTTP',
vpcId: 'VPC_ID'
// ************* Listeners ************* //
const NLBListener = new elb.LbListener(this, 'NLB-Listener', {
loadBalancerArn: NLB.arn,
port: 80,
protocol: 'TCP',
defaultAction: [{
type: 'forward',
targetGroupArn: targetNLBtoALB.arn
const ALBListener = new elb.LbListener(this, 'ALB-Listener', {
loadBalancerArn: ALB.arn,
port: 80,
protocol: 'HTTP',
defaultAction: [{
type: 'fixed-response',
targetGroupArn: targetALBtoServer.arn,
fixedResponse: {
contentType: 'text/plain',
messageBody: 'Fixed Response Content',
statusCode: '200'
targetNLBtoALB.node.addDependency(NLBListener, ALBListener);