Are there any courses for Hashicorp products?

Hi :wave:,

Are there any courses online that you would recommend that go through teaching how to use the following technologies in production/development workflows on their own and as a cohesive set of technologies together?

  • Terraform
  • Consul
  • Nomad
  • Vault

I’ve picked up on learning these on their own and setting them up and running them in dev settings, and it feels nice and almost easy. But once you get ready to want to use these on the cloud in production together and not on their own in dev mode it get’s increasingly difficult and I don’t feel like theres enough content on HashiCorp website to learn how to use these together effectively for a beginner.

Are there any courses you could recommend for someone that wants to learn how to use these tools together that will teach these individually in depth and then go into depth on how to use them together?

I’m at a point where I’ve cobbled together parts of working infrastructure from a few repo’s and got stuff working, but I really kind of want to deeply understand why certain approaches were taken and how it works.

Best Vault course(s) so far. And a Consul course in the making:

There are several courses on, too. Just search for “hashicorp” or the specific product.

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