Azure DevOps pipeline failure due to terraform cos DB configuration change

Have anyone experience this issue,

Failure responding to request: StatusCode=400 – Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code=“BadRequest” Message=“Metric category ‘Requests’ is not supported, supported categories are: ‘AllMetrics’.”

We have usemRequests in metric category for 2 years , all of sudden got this pipeline error due to this terraform configurations, any update recently?

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I ran across this problem. It was working fine until one day I ran my ADO pipeline and it threw the error you mentioned.

To resolve it, I needed to change the Diagnostic Setting resource definition from this:

metric {
	category = "Requests"
	enabled = false

To this:

metric {
	category = "AllMetrics"
	enabled = false

This will fix your problem.