So ive setup Boundary but for some reason when trying to use the Desktop GUI it never connects to the Boundary Workers. My workers are on another server in a data centre.
Whenever I press connect it shows PORT not the workers IP.
Any ideas?
This is my Worker Config
listener "tcp" {
purpose = "proxy"
tls_disable = true
address = "PUBLIC IP"
worker {
name = "worker-1"
description = "Worker 1"
controllers = [
public_addr = "PUBLIC IP"
tags {
type = ["prod"]
region = ["uk-1"]
Controller Config
disable_mlock = true
controller {
name = "controller"
description = "controller"
database {
url = "postgresql://boundary:PASSWORD@"
public_cluster_addr = "boundary.domain"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
purpose = "api"
tls_disable = true
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
purpose = "cluster"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
purpose = "ops"
tls_disable = true
Hi @WhyAydan, Boundary sets up a proxy between your local machine, the worker, and your host. So when you are trying to connect, you just need to connect to your localhost+port and not the worker’s IP or host’s IP.
For example:
ssh [username]@ -p [port]
If you are using a different client for a different protocol, you will just need to supply
and the port number.