Can a resource block in the your main folder call module folders variables and locals?

Can a resource block in the sandbox call a modules variables and locals?
Basic idea. Have templates created in the modules side and have all the resources I want to create in the environments
New to terraform and programming
I get this error when running plan to see if it will work

│ Error: Reference to undeclared local value
│   on line 41, in resource "aws_instance" "ami":
│   41:     for_each = { "ami" = local.basic_ami_config }
│ A local value with the name "basic_ami_config" has not been declared.

Don’t mind the naming scheme. Things need to be cleaned up

Directory path


resource "aws_instance" "ami" {
    for_each = { "ami" = local.basic_ami_config }

    ami                        = each.value.ami
    instance_type              = each.value.instance_type
/*  subnet_id                  = each.value.subnet_id
    security_groups            = each.value.security_groups  
    associate_public_ip_address = each.value.associate_public_ip_address
    key_name                   = each.value.key_name


locals {
  basic_ami_config = {
    ami                        = var.basic_AMI
    instance_type              = var.basic_instance_type
/*  subnet_id                  = var.subnet_id
    security_groups            = var.security_groups  
    associate_public_ip_address = 
    key_name                   = var.key_pair_name
    name = local.basic_ami
    tags = local.tag