This is my first day with nomad and I’m stuggling to make it work but seems I’m missing lot of knowledge over here.
Actually my robot.nomad looks like this :
job "robot_Sangoma" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
group "robots" {
task "sangoma" {
driver = "raw_exec"
config {
command = "D:\\RobotFramework\\run_sangoma.bat"
args = [""]
but when I’m submitting the job, it fails with the error below :
Error: "C:\\Users\\albel\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\NomadClient3864200187\\e3f02f3b-e0f7-7d8d-4516-30968dc37b67\\sangoma\\robot.yaml": open C:\Users\albel\AppData\Local\Temp\NomadClient3864200187\e3f02f3b-e0f7-7d8d-4516-30968dc37b67\sangoma\robot.yaml: The system cannot find the file specified.
Of course robot.yaml file is located in D:\Robotframwork and that why nomad is looking at the wrong place. But how can I tell (via robot.nomad) to nomad that my working directory where all needed files are, is D:\Robotframwork.
Actualy I executing run_sangoma.bat that look like this :
cd D:\RobotFramework
C:\rcc\rcc run -e devdata\env.json
What I’m missing here ?
Thanks for your feedback