Cdktf init creates copies of local modules folder outside project

Hello all,
I’m experimenting with Terraform CDK with an existing project that contains a terraform stack in HCL.

My project structure is similar to this:

/<projectRoot>/terraform/env/development/ <-- References ../modules/web_service
/<projectRoot>/cdk <-- New folder for CDK

I ran cdktf init and with the prompts setup typescript, local state, and pointed to an existing directory (/<projectRoot>/terraform/env/development, which I assume is the same as using the --from-terraform-project CLI flag).

When all was said and done, I was running cdktf plan on my new CDK project, and kept getting provider version errors due to some mismatches with version constraints in the web_service module. I corrected it, but running cdktf get didn’t seem to pick up the changes in the web_service module. After poking around, I found that cdktf init seemed to create a copy of /<projectRoot>/terraform/env/modules/web_service outside of the project root at <projectRoot>/../modules/web_service, and that cdktf get is using that. I also see references to this path in <projectRoot>/cdk/cdktf.json.

I’m curious as to why this copy is created. I’m also curious if it’s common place for folks to manually adjust the settings in cdktf.json in scenarios like this?

Thank you!

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