Constraint "${attr.consul.version} semver >= 1.8.0"

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Hi @aliegrsp,

The error indicates Nomad is not correctly fingerprinting Consul or that it cannot find the Consul API. Do you have any logs available from the Nomad agent?

jrasell and the Nomad team

Hey @jrasell ,

I have the same error, but I’m not using Consul. My setup is very simpl/straightforward I know Nomad server IP address beforehand:

cat /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
data_dir = "/var/nomad"
bind_addr = ""

# Enable the client
client {
  enabled = true
  servers = [""]

# Disable the server
server {
  enabled = false

# Match the datacenter and region of the server
datacenter = "dc1"
region = "global"

I have the same error, and I’m not using Consul also.

For future, if anyone is having this issue, just add provider to service:

service {
     provider = "nomad"

I’m having a very similar issue. I’m trying avoid installing/utilizing consul at this stage of development and running a pure-nomad environment.

Where does this block go? Job definition? Client definition? Server definition?

service {
     provider = "nomad"