We have deployed Consul (1.14.2 using official Consul Helm Chart) on a GKE cluster.
We have a couple of Services running in Consul Service Mesh. We are able to configure timeouts between them (defaults to 15s - Envoy), but when we try to access them using Consul API Gateway we are getting upstream timeout errors for those of our services which respond in more than 15 seconds. The issue is in Consul API Gateway, not in the Mesh (we were able to configure the services in the Mesh in such a way they do not timeout after 15 seconds when calling each other).
How to configure a request timeout for Consul API Gateway ?
I believe that even if I create a Service Router with requestTimeout parameter for the Mesh service Consul API Gateway points/routes directly to, it will not work, since it would place two Service Routers side by side (Consul API Gateway router and the one created by me).
Then same setup works with the old Consul Ingress Gateway - it does not close the connection to services in the Mesh after 15 seconds.