we have two consul datacenters. Both of them are on-prem datacenters, one of them is on VMs and other is going to be in kubernetes. However kubernetes cluster is in a DMZ zone (kind of virtually isolated network with stricter network policies enforced). Except for incoming traffic through ingress or load balancers, the underlying nodes/servers of Kubernetes cluster are not accessible and are not publicly exposed.
Could you please suggest how could we federate these two datacenters together?
I was going through this : https://www.consul.io/docs/k8s/installation/multi-cluster/vms-and-kubernetes#kubernetes-as-the-secondary
And it seems that, it is expected to have two datacenters be able to talk to each other over WAN. But in our case , our Kubernetes cluster is not. Only we could communicate with services running inside kubernetes through Ingress load balancers.