Consul node show health check failing with `unsupported protocol scheme`

The consul version I am using is v1.15.2
In my use I have the following problem:
The service I registered to consul shows:At least one health check on oneinstance is failing.

When I click into a specific service,The page displays the following.

I try to call the API to perform some register or deregister operations on the above service, all are normal, but the page will display these error messages.
I want to know what caused this,and how to eliminate this error message.
I don’t seem to be doing anything with my conusl node.
I tried restarting it but that didn’t seem to have any effect, the error message persisted

Hi @Wangyxiang,

Can you check whether this is the same issue reported in this GH issue?

Thank you very much for your reply.
I tried to use the API of /agent/check/deregister to delete the information of this checked exception