Consul template restart not working

              "SourcePath": "",
              "DestPath": "secrets/myservice/certificate.crt",
              "EmbeddedTmpl": "\n{{- with secret \"secret/xxx/certs\" -}}\n{{ .Data.certificate }}\n{{- end }}\n{{ with secret \"secret/xxx/certs\" -}}\n{{ .Data.issuing_ca }}\n{{- end -}}\n",
              "ChangeMode": "restart",
              "ChangeSignal": "",
              "ChangeScript": null,
              "Splay": 5000000000,
              "Perms": "644",
              "Uid": null,
              "Gid": null,
              "LeftDelim": "{{",
              "RightDelim": "}}",
              "Envvars": false,
              "VaultGrace": 0,
              "Wait": null

Hi, I have a template from above on my nomad service, one of our jobs write the template to vault secret/xxx/certs with multiple key values and updated the path many times. However i did not see our service restart and the dest path reloaded? what could go wrong?