Creating Dashboard new relic error


I am trying to create a Dashboard following this guide Creating dashboards with Terraform and JSON templates | New Relic

After setting everything up I run terraform init, and then apply!

Terraform runs, the dashboard gets created correctly in NW BUT the logs are problematic.

I get an error saying

newrelic_one_dashboard_json.learn_dashboard: Creating...


│ Error: entity not found. GUID: 'XXXXXQ3MjkXXX'


│  with newrelic_one_dashboard_json.learn_dashboard,

│  on line 1, in resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "learn_dashboard":

│  1: resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "learn_dashboard" {


And If I try to RE run it again, without destroying it I get

 terraform apply -var-file="variables.tfvars"

newrelic_one_dashboard_json.learn_dashboard: Refreshing state... [id=XXXXXQ3MjkXXX]

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply" which may have affected this plan:

 # newrelic_one_dashboard_json.learn_dashboard has changed

 ~ resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "learn_dashboard" {

   + guid   = "XXXXXQ3MjkXXX"

    id    = "XXXXXQ3MjkXXX"

   + permalink = ""

    # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)


Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to

these changes.


Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:

 + create

-/+ destroy and then create replacement

Terraform will perform the following actions:

 # newrelic_entity_tags.learn_dashboard will be created

 + resource "newrelic_entity_tags" "learn_dashboard" {

   + guid = (known after apply)

   + id  = (known after apply)

   + tag {

     + key  = "terraform"

     + values = [

       + "true",




 # newrelic_one_dashboard_json.learn_dashboard is tainted, so must be replaced

-/+ resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "learn_dashboard" {

   ~ account_id = XX -> (known after apply)

   ~ guid    = "XXXXXQ3MjkXXX" -> (known after apply)

   ~ id     = "XXXXXQ3MjkXXX" -> (known after apply)

   ~ permalink = "" -> (known after apply)

   ~ updated_at = "2025-01-31T17:26:51Z" -> (known after apply)

    # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)


I can’t really spot what I am doing wrong!

Hi Vanals, I have the same error. If you have been provided with a solution to the problem please share

10:53:16.714 STDOUT terraform: newrelic_one_dashboard_json.dashboard: Destruction complete after 2s
10:53:16.742 STDOUT terraform: newrelic_one_dashboard_json.dashboard: Creating...
10:53:18.714 STDERR terraform: ╷
10:53:18.714 STDERR terraform: │ Error: entity not found. GUID: 'NDg3Mjc4MnxWSVp8REF******OjQ3NzMwMQ''
10:53:18.714 STDERR terraform: │ 
10:53:18.714 STDERR terraform: │   with newrelic_one_dashboard_json.dashboard,
10:53:18.715 STDERR terraform: │   on line 1, in resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "dashboard":
10:53:18.715 STDERR terraform: │    1: resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "dashboard" {
10:53:18.715 STDERR terraform: │ 
10:53:18.715 STDERR terraform: ╵
10:53:18.825 ERROR  terraform invocation failed in ./.terragrunt-cache/YmYhZEUtU-_EpFW9rv1-jHeOvss/7JeIRBazHr6mAdiPa_yymdaBn04
10:53:18.826 ERROR  error occurred:

* Failed to execute "terraform apply" in ./.terragrunt-cache/YmYhZEUtU-_EpFW9rv1-jHeOvss/7JeIRBazHr6mAdiPa_yymdaBn04
  │ Error: entity not found. GUID: 'NDg3Mjc4MnxWSVp8REF******OjQ3NzMwMQ'
  │   with newrelic_one_dashboard_json.dashboard,
  │   on line 1, in resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "dashboard":
  │    1: resource "newrelic_one_dashboard_json" "dashboard" {
  exit status 1

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I have opened a Case in New relic. Will let you know :slight_smile:

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@OleksiiSobko Been told they now fixed it. Was apparently an issue in EU for some users. I tested it and now works for me.