Hi, im trying to deploy a VM from terraform using the vsphere provider and i keep getting this error:
Error: error sending customization spec: Customization of the guest operating system is not supported due to the given reason
I have the “error” on this part of the config file:
resource “vsphere_virtual_machine” “vm” {
name = “stmp2001lx”
resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_compute_cluster.cluster.resource_pool_id
datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id
num_cpus = 2
memory = 4096
guest_id = “debian10_64Guest”
network_interface {
network_id = data.vsphere_network.network.id
adapter_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]
disk {
label = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks[0].label
size = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks[0].size
Im trying to building it from a template, which has Debian 12 as OS, it has a 6.5 Esxi Compatibility or more.
I have 3 hosts where 2 of them are Esxi 6.7 and the other one is 7.0.
I dont know what the problem is, i would really apreciate the help because im stucked here with no solution.
Thanks !