Hi Team,
I have been trying to deploy Fedora CoreOS image on one of EXSI server which is been configured and part of DATACENTRE ( Vsphere). I created one Fedora Core OS image, updated VM using rpm-ostree update, and installed open-vm-tools init. I converted it to template. Using the newly created VM template, i am trying to deploy VM’s Vsphere environment. VM gets deployed, but the problem is “terraform apply “fcos”” command fails with below given error message. What I observed is, VM gets provisioned without IP address and hostname configured.
Virtual machine customization failed on “/esxi-1/vm/fedora-template-machine1”:
An error occurred while customizing VM fedora-template-machine1. For details reference the log file in the guest OS.
Here is the custimozation part of my vsphere terrraform file.
clone {
template_uuid = “{data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.id}"
linked_clone = "{var.vm_linked_clone}”
customize {
timeout = "20"
linux_options {
host_name = "${var.vm_name}${count.index + 1}"
domain = "${var.vm_domain}"
network_interface {
ipv4_address = "${var.vm_ip}${var.vm_inc + count.index}"
ipv4_netmask = "${var.vm_netmask}"
ipv4_gateway = "${var.vm_gateway}"
dns_server_list = ["${var.vm_dns}"]
Pls help me out to fix this issue.