Data source Refreshing state fail Invalid index

Terraform v0.13.4
Faile terraform plan after adding new ECS service with Terraform modules
The first run works well:

module "fargate" {
  source  = ecs"
  services = {
    api = {
      task_definition = "api.json"
      cpu             = "256"
      memory          = "512"

data "template_file" "tasks" {
  for_each =

  template = file("${path.cwd}/${lookup(each.value, "task_definition", "api.json")}")

  vars = {
    env            = terraform.workspace

resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "this" {
  for_each =

  family                   = "${terraform.workspace}-${each.key}"
  container_definitions    = data.template_file.tasks[each.key].rendered
  requires_compatibilities = ["FARGATE"]
  network_mode             = "awsvpc"
  cpu                      = lookup(each.value, "cpu", "256")
  memory                   = lookup(each.value, "memory", "512")

  tags = {
    Name        = "${}-${terraform.workspace}-${each.key}-task-definition"
    environment = terraform.workspace


variable "services" {}

Everything created well, but if add one more service:

module "fargate" {
  source  = ecs"
  services = {
    api = {
      task_definition = "api.json"
      cpu             = "256"
      memory          = "512"
    api2 = {
      task_definition = "api.json"
      cpu             = "256"
      memory          = "512"

i run terraform plan and get:

Error: Invalid index

  on ../../../terraform/aws-ecs-fargate/ line 22, in resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "this":
 22:   container_definitions    = data.template_file.tasks[each.key].rendered
    | data.template_file.tasks is object with 2 attributes
    | each.key is "api2"

The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

But if u run remove state and run terraform plan all works ok, on previous terraform version 0.12.~ I have no such trouble with state refresh.
Please help