Hello everybody,
I’m a newbie and I need some help.
I want to loop on index to create or not some ecs resources on aws.
My module like this :
resource "aws_ecs_service" "this" {
for_each = var.ecs_cluster_definitions.ecs_service
name = each.value.name
cluster = aws_ecs_cluster.ecs_cluster.arn
platform_version = each.value.platform_version
task_definition = each.value.task_definition
My main.tf on the principal code like this :
module "ecs" {
source = "********"
for_each = {
for ecs_cluster_configuration in local.ecs_cluster_configuration:
ecs_cluster_configuration.ecs_cluster_definition.ecs_cluster_name =>
ecs_cluster_definitions = each.value.ecs_cluster_definition
Remark : ecs_cluster_definitions is a variable with type any
My local.tf like this :
ecs_cluster_configuration = [
ecs_cluster_definition = {
ecs_cluster_name = "ecs-cluster-${local.nameattr3}"
ecs_cluster_description = "ECS ${var.apps} ${var.Environment} ${var.Sub_Environment}
ecs_service = {
"service1" = {
name = "ecs-container-${var.Sub_Environment}-${var.apps}-
platform_version = "LATEST"
"service2" = {
"service3" = {
My goal is to not create service2 for example if var.create_service value is false but create service1 and service3 if var.create_service is true.
If I understand “service1”, “service2” and “service3” are index. So I want to loop on this index to create or not the service
I test some code but it’s not resolve my issue.
Can you help me please ?