A newbie question. How do you do the following python code in Terraform?
count = 0
mylist = []
while count < 5:
mylist.append("anystring"+ str(count))
count += 1
Thanks for any hint
A newbie question. How do you do the following python code in Terraform?
count = 0
mylist = []
while count < 5:
mylist.append("anystring"+ str(count))
count += 1
Thanks for any hint
Well, the real case that I need to do is to build the connection string to mongoDB replicaset service. The replication_factor is 3, 5 or 7.
The terraform code that sofar I built:
locals {
uri_list = ["@${alicloud_mongodb_instance.tyk_mongodb-test.id}1.mongodb.${var.region}.rds.aliyuncs.com:${var.db_port}",
uri_list_out = [
for uriname in local.uri_list:
if substr(uriname,length("${alicloud_mongodb_instance.tyk_mongodb-test.id}")+1,1) < (var.mongos_config["${var.environment}"]["replication_factor"])
What I expect from
output "uri_list_out" {
value = local.uri_list_out
is the firts two elements of uri_list but instead I got only [1,2] for replication_factor = 3. Seems if instruction in for also modify the output ???
Appreciate for any hints…
I just realize that for terraform instead of using loop, my problem can be solved using simple lookup element()