Datadog - dynamically populate dash_item's inside a datadog_dashboard_list

Hi all,
Im new to the whole terraform topic and datadog, but i’m having fun creating dashboards & lists with terraform!

I have an question regarding the datadog_dashboard_list resource and its dash_item sibling
I basically created a whole bunch of dashboards and added for each dashboard the bash_item, creating a big list of dash_item’s.

shortened example

resource "datadog_dashboard_list" "terraform-dashboards" {
  name = "Terraform Created List"
  dash_item {
    type    = "custom_timeboard"
    dash_id =
  dash_item {
    type    = "custom_timeboard"
    dash_id =
  dash_item {
    type    = "custom_timeboard"
    dash_id =
  dash_item {

however is there a way to make this process with for example a for each loop? so only one dash_item is needed to dynamically make all these dashboards member of the list.

I tried several ways, but none of them worked out

here is one example

  dash_item {
    type    = "custom_timeboard"
    dash_id = datadog_dashboard_json.dashboard_[*].id

Is it possible to do something similar to this in terraform?
Many thanks!