Disable Secrets - Tainted Route

Got a secrets path that I seem to be unable to disable since there’s a lease that is still being tracked. Seems to be because I modified the configuration before the lease expired.

Error disabling secrets engine at database/[VAULT PATH]/: Error making API request.

URL: DELETE https://[**VAULT URL + PATH**]
Code: 400. Errors:

* failed to revoke "[**LEASE ID**]" (1 / 1): failed to revoke entry: resp: (*logical.Response)(nil) err: failed to find entry for connection with name: "[**OLD CONFIG**]"

When I try to create a temporary connection/config/role I get an error saying the route is tainted:

* no handler for route "database/[**ROLE PATH**]". route entry is tainted.

Is there a way I can “revoke” the lease that no longer exists and disable that secrets path still?

You need this API:

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That worked beautifully. Thank you!