We have a service (an application) in a nomad cluster, in a docker container, that needs to do some cleanup after receiving SIGTERM. This includes some outbound requests-- both HTTP and SFTP.
Initially, Nomad was disconnecting the service from the network as soon as it was instructed to “Kill” (misleading in this case, since it sends SIGTERM). We’ve set kill_timeout
to 30s, and eventually we found shutdown_delay
which we set to 30s. The following is the behavior we’re hoping to achieve:
- New jobspec is received
- Nomad sends SIGTERM
- Nomad does NOT disconnect the network
- app exits code zero, or 30s passes and Nomad sends SIGKILL
- Nomad disconnects network
But with kill_timeout: 30s
and shutdown_delay: 30s
, here’s what’s happening (actual logs with timestamps here):
16:19:53 -0400 Waiting for shutdown delay Waiting for shutdown_delay of 30s before killing the task.
16:19:53 -0400 Killing Sent interrupt. Waiting 30s before force killing
16:20:23 -0400 [ App receives SIGTERM ] ← App log
16:20:27 -0400 Terminated Exit Code: 0
16:20:27 -0400 Killed Task successfully killed
As you can see, it says it’s waiting 30s shutdown_delay and says it’s sending SIGTERM at the same time (that would be great!), but the app doesn’t receive SIGTERM until after 30s.
I cannot tell if this is expected behavior. If it is, is there a configuration I’m missing that can get me what I need? If it isn’t (surely I haven’t found a bug…), could there be a missing configuration at the docker level?
Hi. I started Nomad 1.8.1 in -dev mode. The following job specification:
job "test-sigterm" {
type = "batch"
meta {
uuid = uuidv4()
group "example" {
task "example" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "bash"
args = [
trap 'echo SIGTERM; wait' SIGTERM
trap 'echo EXIT' EXIT
sleep infinity &
Shows that SIGTERM
is printed by the shell script right after Nomad prints “Killing sent interrupt”. So I can confirm that SIGTERM is properly sent.
Consider instead on concentrating on debugging and profiling your application. What is most probably happening, which happens often in our environent, is that your application is run inside a shell script which is running inside a shell script which is running inside a shell script that doesn’t forward signals properly. You might be interested in docker run --init
and similarly config { init = true }
Nomad job spec option, and you might be interested in research signals in docker, in particular what is tini and how to sent a signal to all processes inside a process group (after creating a process group), in particular in TINI_KILL_PROCESS_GROUP
environment variable.
Or alternatively, your application is too slow to response. “Killing sent interrupt” executes docker signal
command, it is what it is. For example, your application or docker log commands are fully buffered. Is the timestamp printed by your application? There are many unknowns.
Additionally, it is unclear to me. What is “nomad disconnects network”? How does and what network does nomad connect that it can then “disconnect”? I am not clear what “network” does nomad “connect”.
Thanks-- when I say “Nomad disconnects from the network” I’m talking about Nomad removing the Task’s service registrations, as per the docs on shutdown_delay.
And thanks for putting together that test. Good to confirm that under normal circumstances Nomad sends SIGTERM as expected. Your test doesn’t seem to take shutdown_delay
into account. I may try to reproduce your test with that, but I’m not sure I would expect perfect production parity here locally.