I have created a role :
vault write database/static-roles/myrole\
db_name="DmsTenantPool" \
rotation_period="10m" \
bash-4.2# vault read database/static-creds/myrole
Key Value
--- -----
last_vault_rotation 2022-04-05T11:06:15.813655298Z
password A1a-62oWSIy5u6fB7vi1
rotation_period 10m
ttl 9m48s
username user1
I have locked the user1 by connecting to DB with admin user.
As per my observation :
As soon as the TTL reaches 0 , vault rotates the password and updates rotation_period to 10m again and ttl counter begins.
But User is in locked state only.
It seems vault keeps rotating the credential in its config although user is in locked state. Is this an expected behavior ?
I was expecting that vault will not be able to rotate password as user is already locked. So the ttl will remain 0s .
Can anyone share their experience on this ?