Hello everyone,
I’m currently working on integrating HashiCorp Vault with Kubernetes and have encountered a specific challenge regarding dynamically created service accounts. My Terraform setup configures Vault to generate short-lived service accounts and roles in Kubernetes. However, these service accounts are dynamically named (e.g., v-token-bo-my-role-1701471544-miqocgyiwd0omw7apwcsvjko
) and change with each creation.
Current Setup:
- Terraform scripts for Vault mounts, generic secrets, and a Kubernetes secret backend role.
- Vault is configured to create an entire Kubernetes object chain, including roles, tokens, service accounts, and role bindings.
When creating the role in Vault’s Kubernetes engine, there are three options:
- Generate token only using existing service account
- Generate token, service account, and role binding objects
- Generate entire Kubernetes object chain
I’m using the “Generate entire Kubernetes object chain” option. Does this only create the ClusterRole
and not the ClusterRoleBinding
? I’ve specified the generated role rules as follows:
"rules": [
"apiGroups": [""],
"resources": ["pods"],
"verbs": ["list", "get", "create"]
However, I am only able to list resources in the default namespace after creating the token. I checked clusterrole which vault creates but no clusterrolebinding to bind to this dynamic service account.
It seems like the ClusterRoleBinding
is not being created automatically.
When I try to list pods in vault namespace eg:
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:v-token-bo-my-role-1701472825-zow5wi03awth61pmddexfxnh" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "vault"
If I use pre-generated service-account to create short lived tokens, everything works as expected.
My question is;
How can I ensure that ClusterRoleBindings
are dynamically created for these short-lived, Vault-generated service accounts?
Ps: I use boundary to retrieve tokens to authenticate to the cluster.
Thank you in advance for your help!