I am trying to generate dynamic service principal in Azure, this is documented here ( Azure - Secrets Engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer ).
I have created a Service Principal (SP) with ‘Owner’ role assigned at the subscription level. My understanding is that I can then give this SP to Vault, and have it dynamically create short-lived SP’s that have ‘Contributor’ role assigned at a Resource Group level.
The terraform code for this is below,
resource "vault_azure_secret_backend" "azure" {
subscription_id = var.subscription_id
tenant_id = var.tenant_id
client_id = var.client_id
client_secret = var.client_secret
path = var.vault_azure_path_name
locals {
azure_roles = [
for rg in var.azure_rg : {
role_name = "Contributor"
scope = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${rg}"
resource "vault_azure_secret_backend_role" "producer" {
backend = vault_azure_secret_backend.azure.path
role = "${var.vault_azure_path_name}-role"
ttl = 300
max_ttl = 600
dynamic "azure_roles" {
for_each = local.azure_roles
content {
role_name = azure_roles.value.role_name
scope = azure_roles.value.scope
If I read on the role, I got the following error. I am assuming it is saying my SP (with Owner role) has ‘Insufficient privileges to complete the operation’?
% vault read dynamic-azure-creds-producer/creds/dynamic-azure-creds-producer-role
Error reading dynamic-azure-creds-producer/creds/dynamic-azure-creds-producer-role: Error making API request.
Code: 500. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* provider#CreateApplication: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code="Authorization_RequestDenied" Message="Insufficient privileges to complete the operation." InnerError={"client-request-id":"a94314ed-3ea1-43e6-9b34-a5eb0158523d","date":"2023-06-05T08:08:27","request-id":"a94314ed-3ea1-43e6-9b34-a5eb0158523d"}
But below shows that my SP seems to be fine. (identities were scraped with xxx)
% az login --service-principal -u xxx-4c38-bc18-4029fccafb23 -p xxxyim3qHZLsNTmp~86pI7zfagoQdAt --tenant xxx-43c6-bbc4-ed6a172ad522
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"homeTenantId": "xxx-43c6-bbc4-ed6a172ad522",
"id": "xxx-4b84-9054-68a6ea5f838b",
"isDefault": true,
"managedByTenants": [],
"name": "Azure subscription 1",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "xxx-43c6-bbc4-ed6a172ad522",
"user": {
"name": "xxx-4c38-bc18-4029fccafb23",
"type": "servicePrincipal"
% az role assignment list --assignee xxx-4c38-bc18-4029fccafb23 --query "[].{Role:roleDefinitionName, Scope:scope}"
"Role": "Owner",
"Scope": "/subscriptions/xxx-fbad-4b84-9054-68a6ea5f838b"
I looked at the Azure AD sign-in logs, but cannot find anything related to my test logins.
Is there a way to find out exactly what API calls Vault is making to Azure? I used ‘-log-level=trace’ when running the Vault server, but no useful information was logged.
Has anyone seen this issue before? ( Vault v1.13.2, built 2023-04-25T13:02:50Z )?