Dynamically generate part of json

I have the following:

variable "list" {
  type        = list(string)
  default     = ["value_1", "value_2", "value_3", "value_4"]

I need to build a ‘task-definitions’ with the following part:

    "environment": [
        "name": "TERM",
        "value": "xterm"
        "name": "PROJECT",
        "value": "project"
        "name": "ENVNAME",
        "value": "${env_name}"
        "name": "VARIABLE_1",
        "value": "value_1"
        "name": "VARIABLE_2",
        "value": "value_2"
        "name": "VARIABLE_3",
        "value": "value_3"
        "name": "VARIABLE_4",
        "value": "value_4"

How to achieve it?
I tried the following:

locals {
  task_def_doc = jsonencode(
        environment = [
            name  = "TERM",
            value = "xterm"
            name  = "PROJECT",
            value = "project"
            name  = "ENVNAME",
            value = "dev"
            for i in var.list :
            name     = "VARIABLE_"
            value    = i

but it gives me an error:

Error: Invalid 'for' expression

  on locals.tf line 55, in locals:
  53:           {
  54:             for i in var.list :
  55:             name     = "VARIABLE_"
  56:             value    = i
  57:           },

Key expression is required when building an object.

Error: Invalid 'for' expression

  on locals.tf line 55, in locals:
  53:           {
  54:             for i in var.list :
  55:             name     = "VARIABLE_"

Extra characters after the end of the 'for' expression.

Hi @DenisBY,

You can use the concat function to concatenate multiple lists together into a single list, which I think would help get the result you wanted here by allowing you to mix a statically-written list with a dynamically-generated list:

locals {
  example = {
    environment = concat(
          name  = "TERM"
          value = "xterm"
          name  = "PROJECT"
          value = "project"
          name  = "ENVNAME"
          value = "dev"
        for i, v in var.list : {
          name  = "VARIABLE_${i}"
          value = v

Given that these are key/value pairs serialized as a list of objects, I might choose to build the initial value of this as a map of strings and then convert the result to the list of objects separately, to make the structure easier to read and to work with:

locals = {
  task_environment = tomap(merge(
      TERM    = "xterm"
      PROJECT = "project"
      ENVNAME = "dev"
    { for i, v in var.list : "VARIABLE_${i}" => v }

  example = {
    environment = [
      for name, value in local.task_environment : {
        name  = name
        value = value

Here I used merge instead of concat, which merges multiple maps into a single map while potentially overriding conflicting keys, and thus guarantees no duplicate names in the resulting array of environment objects once you serialize to JSON.

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Thank you very much! It worked!