Error connecting to vcloud director using api token

I am getting an error when connecting to my vcloud director using an api token, and I have not found a lot of documentation on the error, has anyone else run into this issue? my URL does not have the /api/version in it that some documentation I have seen, but I have also tried it with that on the end of it and I got the same error.

any suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance!


Error: something went wrong during authentication: error getting bearer token: error authorizing service account: error in HTTP POST request: invalid_grant - Invalid refresh token

│ with provider[“Terraform Registry”],
│ on line 26, in provider “vcd”:
│ 26: provider “vcd” {


terraform {

required_providers {
cloudflare = {
source = “cloudflare/cloudflare”
version = “~> 3.30”

vcd = {
source = “vmware/vcd”
version = “~> 3.10.0”


cloud {
organization = “org”

workspaces {
name = “WS”

Connect VMware vCloud Director Provider

provider “vcd” {
user = “none”
password = “none”
auth_type = “api_token”
api_token = var.api_token
sysorg = “System”
org = var.vcd_org
vdc = var.vcd_vdc
url = var.vcd_url
allow_unverified_ssl = var.allow_un_ssl