Error performing token check: failed to look up namespace from the token: no namespace (retry attempt 1 after "1s")

external vault server version 1.12.1
RKE2 kubernetes cluster 1.22.6+rke2r1
Kubernetes deploy with vault-agent & consul-template sidecar

I’ve created a deployment with 3 replicas the first 2 pods come up fine but occasionally the 3rd pod fails to start, consul-template pod logs

2022-11-21T00:35:07.138Z [WARN] (view) Error making API request.

URL: GET https://myvaultserver:8200/v1/hd/data/data/secret
Code: 400. Errors:

* error performing token check: failed to look up namespace from the token: no namespace (retry attempt 1 after "1s")

Deleting the pod sometimes fixes it, sometimes the pod needs to be deleted a couple of times .

there are no messages in the vault server logs

any idea why this might be happening?
