Hello! First of all, super exciting product!
I came across an error while I was following along the getting started tutorial step-by-step. While trying to perform the boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_1234567890
command connection is closed:
β ~ boundary connect ssh -target-id ttcp_1234567890
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
The error on the boundary server is:
2020-10-15T10:03:48.289+0200 [INFO] controller.worker-handler: session activated: session_id=s_UqJbwXyxUy target_id=ttcp_1234567890 user_id=u_1234567890 host_set_id=hsst_1234567890 host_id=hst_1234567890
2020-10-15T10:03:48.306+0200 [INFO] controller.worker-handler: authorized connection: session_id=s_UqJbwXyxUy connection_id=sc_n4WOGfHSlK connections_left=0
2020-10-15T10:03:48.307+0200 [ERROR] worker: error dialing endpoint: error="dial tcp [::1]:22: connect: connection refused" endpoint=tcp://localhost:22
2020-10-15T10:03:48.333+0200 [INFO] controller.worker-handler: connection closed: connection_id=sc_n4WOGfHSlK
The docs are not clear whether you need to provide your own target for this step?