I am testing a POC with a Nomad Cluster (3 Nodes and 3 Clients), Consul Cluster (3 Nodes) and Fabio running as systemd service on Nomad Clients. Consul agent running on all 9 servers.
Everything looks good on config wise and all the services report healthy in Consul.
I’m running into a problem when I execute a job with a container that has port 8080 exposed. Job runs fine, however Fabio is advertising or rather creating routing tables using container internal IPs and exposed port instead of using the actual Server’s or Host IPs and dynamic Nomad port range.
This is what I see in Fabio: (The IPs below are from Container Specific Network)
1 tomcat-test /tomcat-test strip=/tomcat-test 33.33%
2 tomcat-test /tomcat-test strip=/tomcat-test 33.33%
3 tomcat-test /tomcat-test strip=/tomcat-test 33.33%
Whereas the app instances show up like this on Nomad: (The actual server IPs and Nomad Dynamic Ports)
Name Host Address Mapped Port
http 8080
http 8080
http 8080
All Nomad Clients with Fabio service are configured on external load balancer with one node active at any time in the pool. When I try to access the service via urlprefix externally, the node that’s active in the pool during that time, if it routes the request to the container IP running on that node, I can access the service fine. But that’s not the case. Fabio does round robin and on my next attempt the same node points to the container IP on different node and since that IP cannot be reached from the node serving the request, I get ‘Page not working’. To get back to the site/service, I have to hit refresh 3 times. The 3rd attempt goes to the container IP that’s on the serving node from load balancer pool and I get the page again.
Here’s my job:
job "tomcat-test" {
datacenters = ["dev-dc"]
type = "service"
update {
max_parallel = 1
min_healthy_time = "30s"
healthy_deadline = "5m"
auto_revert = false
canary = 3
health_check = "checks"
group "test-group" {
count = 3
network {
port "http" {
to = 8080 #Port exposed in container
task "tomcat-test" {
driver = "podman"
config {
image = "nexus.mydomain.com:8081/my-ubi/rhel8-tomcat9:latest"
auth {
username = "nomad-user"
password = "N0madUs3r"
ports = ["http"]
service {
name = "tomcat-test"
port = "http"
tags = [
"urlprefix-/tomcat-test strip=/tomcat-test",
check {
type = "http"
path = "/"
interval = "2s"
timeout = "2s"
How can I make Fabio advertise or register the app service with Host Specific IPs and Nomad Dynamic Ports?