Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: context deadline exceeded

We are running into the below issue since few days, but it worked fine earlier. Can anyone help us in resolving it?

Error: waiting for API Management Service “vivifypathwayapim-v9” (Resource Group: “vivify-functions-rg-v9”) to become ready: Error polling for the state of the API Management Service “vivifypathwayapim-v9” (Resource Group: “vivify-functions-rg-v9”): apimanagement.ServiceClient#Get: Failure sending request: StatusCode=0 – Original Error: context deadline exceeded

Hi Subhash,
You can try adding timeouts, had a similar issue while adding custom host name to APIM.
timeouts {

 create = "2h"

 read   = "1h"

 update = "2h"

 delete = "2h"

}timeouts {
create = “2h”
read = “1h”
update = “2h”
delete = “2h”


Thanks Rohan. Yes we have implemented the same after doing some R&D.