resource “azurerm_storage_contianer” “asc”{
for_each=[for k in keys(var.storage_container_nm):[
for v in values(var.storage_container_nm):[
for f in[{
name = each.value.nm
storage_account_name = each.value.storage_acc_nm
container_access_type ="private"
I get the below error .
The given “for_each” argument value is unsuitable: the “for_each” argument
must be a map, or set of strings, and you have provided a value of type tuple.
Can you please tell me the best way to loop through the list of names and create storage containers ?
Hello! This isn’t entirely working (I get an error with “terraform plan”), but maybe this will give you a start. Sometimes it’s easier to use locals to transform your variable into a different structure first, before passing it into for_each:
locals {
name_acct_pairs = flatten([
for sca in var.storage_container_nm : [
for n in : {
name = n
storage_acc_nm = sca.storage_acc_nm
name_acct_map = {
for k in local.name_acct_pairs : => k.storage_acc_nm
output "map" {
value = local.name_acct_map
Sure. Foreach loop is a blessing. Play around to get a hang of it.
I feel that Terraform official documentation should provide some examples of List , Map , List(List) etc … and how to access the elements.
If you’re still stuck, post your code and people in the forum would be able to help you out.