Hi folks
I’m trying to achieve something that clearly isn’t fully supported by current versions of Terraform, but is probably quite a common use case.
I have a list of objects (which could easily be a map):
node_groups = [
name = "app1"
instance_types = ["t3a.xlarge"]
name = "app2"
scaling = {
max = 2
name = "api"
instance_types = ["m5a.4xlarge"]
disk_size = 50
name = "db"
instance_types = ["i3.8xlarge"]
disk_size = 50
scaling = {
min = 2
max = 5
desired = 2
I’m using Terraform 1.3.0-beta1
with some optional
variable "node_groups" {
type = list(object({
name = string
instance_types = optional(list(string), ["t3.medium"])
disk_size = optional(number, 20)
scaling = optional(object({
min = optional(number, 1)
max = optional(number, 3)
desired = optional(number, 1)
}), {
min = 1
max = 3
desired = 1
max_unavailable = optional(number, 1)
for_each = var.node_groups
disk_size = each.value.disk_size
instance_types = each.value.instance_types
config_scaling = [{
min_size = each.value.scaling.min
max_size = each.value.scaling.max
desired_size = each.value.scaling.desired
Hopefully this is enough code to see what I’m trying to do - most of my node groups share common attributes, and I want to use these defaults along with some changes. I know I can do this if I populate each attribute on each object, but I’d rather not use that repetition of data because the list of different node groups will continue to grow over time.
I’ve tried a few different approaches incl for_each = { for k, v in var.node_groups : k => v }
and some flatten
work, but I can’t seem to find the right approach.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?