HA and DR capability with Consul

Hello All,

I just started using Consul for service discovery from yesterday to figure out if it is suitable for our requirements.
Till now I have done below successfully

  • spawned 2 instances of consul via docker and joined them to create a cluster
  • created 2 springboot simple MS and configured them to connect to one of the node in the cluster
  • the 2 MS were able to discover each other by just using the service name
  • spawned multiple instances of the MS with different instance id and was able to achieve client side load balancing which provides high availability

it is all fine till here. But i am not sure how i can have DR capability with Consul. What i have tried till now is

  • one instance of MS service1 connect to node1 of consul and the other instance of the same MS to node2
  • one instance of MS service2 connect to node1 of consul and the other instance of the same MS to node2
  • replicate a failure scenario by switching off service1 instance which was connected to node1 and service2 instance which was connected to node2

The problem is now that service1 is not able to find service2.
Though they are connected to different nodes but then these nodes are instances of the same cluster.