Hi guys,
I’m trying to setup an HA deployment with Google VM’s on full private subnets.
And i’d like a client to be able to connect via an HTTPS Load Balancer.
What i did so far is :
- setup one LB with two different backend services (the only difference with this is that the client → worker connection is via the LB)
- worker.domain.com => nodes port 9202
- controller.domain.com => nodes port 9200
- install worker & controller on a single VM per zone (using three zones)
- initialized the database, and deployed the example terraform code which creates a few objects.
What i’m experiencing so far is :
- I can connect to the UI with the admin account
- I cannot connect with a user account
- The health check for the worker port is not working (http)
- curl host:9202 returns nothing, and i dont know if that is the expected behaviour, which i believe is not.
curl http://host01:9202
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
My configuration is the following
controller {
name = "ctrl-host01-controller"
description = "Boundary controller 01"
database {
url = "postgresql://boundary:boundary@database_ip:5432/boundary"
max_open_connections = 5
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
purpose = "api"
tls_disable = true
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = true
purpose = "cluster"
worker {
name = "work-node01"
description = "Worker node 01"
controllers = [
public_addr = "worker.domain.com:443"
tags {
zone = ["europe-west6-a"]
listener "tcp" {
purpose = "proxy"
tls_disable = true
address = ""
Can you tell me if this is a doable setup ?
Service is starting fine, and shows no error.
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: ==> Boundary server configuration:
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Transit Address: https://vault.domain.com
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Transit Key Name: boundary_worker-auth
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Transit Mount Path: transit-boundary/
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Cgo: disabled
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Controller Public Cluster Addr:
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cors_allowed_headers: "[]", cors_allowed_origins: "[*]", cors_enabled: "true", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "api")
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Listener 2: tcp (addr: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "cluster")
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Listener 3: tcp (addr: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", purpose: "proxy")
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Log Level: debug
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Mlock: supported: true, enabled: true
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Version: Boundary v0.5.1
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Version Sha: 5f88243ddc6182db9c71ba84fd401040de4f5d41
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: Worker Public Proxy Addr: worker.domain.com:443
Sep 09 07:26:59 host01 boundary[26956]: ==> Boundary server started! Log data will stream in below: