HashiTalks Frequently Asked Questions

HashiTalks FAQ

The purpose of this thread is to give a clear definition of HashiTalks, empower first-time speakers to submit to the Call for Proposals (CFP), and define what we are looking for in CFP submissions.

What kind of submissions are we looking for?
We are looking for unique use cases, technical talks, culture talks, and demos focused on our tools and community.

What makes a good talk abstract?

  • Topic + title + motivation + problem statement + approach + demo (if you’re running one) + results + conclusions = HashiTalks abstract
  • Include a list of key takeaways
  • Let us know which tools your talk will highlight

What makes HashiTalks a great opportunity for first time speakers?

HashiTalks are a brief, 30 minute speaking slot given from the comfort of a self-selected “stage.” Speakers live stream into the event to give their talks from their home offices or living rooms without the intimidation factor of a stage in front of a live audience.

HashiTalks are designed to be a safe space and our community guidelines & principles are top of mind while producing this online event.

HashiTalks speakers get early access to HashiConf (in-person and digital) CFP and have easy access to coaching from the HashiCorp Developer Advocacy team if they would like it.

What does HashiCorp do to enable speakers before the CFP selection process?

Want to review your talk abstract before submitting? Reach out to hashitalks@hashicorp.com and we will pair you with someone who can give you guidance and feedback.

What does HashiCorp do to enable speakers after the CFS selection process?

Leading up to the event, we will host speaker enablement sessions where all CFP submissions are able to hear from an industry leader on giving virtual presentations.

Furthermore, we will host a networking meetup for confirmed speakers to connect with one another and talk about best practices and presentation pointers in preparing for the event.

How can my career benefit from speaking at HashiTalks?

Talks given at HashiTalks will be recorded, divided by speaker, and posted to HashiCorp Resources for other community members to review asynchronously. Beyond building confidence in your speaking skills, a recorded talk will give your use cases a point of credible reference.

Attendees will be able to ask live questions and we encourage you to hang out in the chat room after your talk to answer questions, interact with attendees, and gather feedback.

Furthermore, we encourage HashiTalks speakers to submit to our major conferences and are always happy to give coaching and feedback as needed.

Solving environmental damage and inaccessibility

In person events are significant contributors to CO2 emissions, pollution, and wasted resources. HashiTalks is an opportunity to connect without the impact on our planet.

Persons who cannot attend traditional events because of disabilities, other commitments, costs, etc are able to stream into HashiTalks for free and with ease.

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